Robert Baden-Powell, Founder of Scouting, liutenant-general in the Britsh Army, Born February 22, 1857 Robert Baden-Powell Images of Robert Baden-Powell
U.S.A. - Juliette Gordon Low, Founder of the Girl Scouts of the U.S.A. Images of Juliette Gordon Low Juliette Gordon Low Birthplace
Marshall Islands - Scouting 1987 Scouting in the Marshall Islands U. S. Department of State, Marshall Islands Marshal Island images
Guyana - Scouting 1991 Introducing Guyana from the Lonely Planet The Scout Association of Guyana
U.S.A. Girl Scouts of America 50th Anniversary Stamp Boy Scouts of America 50th Anniversary Norman Rockwell's Boy Scouts of America Stamp Scout Cachet Covers of the United States