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Sloane's Column

ISSUE 170 - February 7, 2025 - Stamp News Online Magazine

Sloane's Column:
Bicycle Mail, San Francisco, 1894

by George B. Sloane

. . . Santa Barbara cover carried on July 8, 1894
Northern trip with Bicycle Mail 25¢ . . .

February 18, 1950
In the Summer of 1894, the American Railway Union called a strike in California which crippled transportation in the San Joaquin Valley, and as a result no mail moved in or out of San Francisco. In this emergency, a bicycle service was privately organized to relay mail between San Francisco and Fresno, and the stamps used in this service are listed in Scott’s U. S. Catalog, under the Locals section. The history of the issue has been widely published and the two best articles are those by H. B. Phillips, in Filatelic Facts and Fallacies, July, 1894, and Arthur C. Banta, in Weekly Philatelic Gossip, December 8, 1934. Banta, who operated the . . . .

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